Minted Lamb Burgers
8th October 2015

‪#‎lambburgers ‪#‎mint ‪#‎organic ‪#‎grassfed 

Minted Lamb Burgers
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You will need
  1. 1 handful of fresh mint
  2. 1 handful of fresh parsley
  3. ½ onion
  4. 1 tbsp olive oil
  5. 1tsp each of ground cumin, mace, cinnamon and allspice
  6. 450g lamb mince
  7. 1 free range egg
  1. For the ultimate lamb burger blend all the spices and herbs together in a blender. Mix with 450g lamb mince and one ‪#‎freerange‬@clarencecourt egg. Shape into patties and chill. Perfectly cooked on the BBQ or grill, served with roasted veggies and beetroot houmous. Amber loved these with BBQ halloumi too. ‪#‎bbqfood‬ ‪#‎baabaaburger‬‪#‎cleaneating‬ ‪#‎eatclean‬ ‪#‎ketogenic‬ ‪#‎paleo‬
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