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Jillian Michaels Makes Sense
7th May 2015

In January I went to see Jillian Michaels motivational talks. One of the things that stood out for me was how she described those who made it to the penultimate Biggest Loser episode.

They were led into their last workout at the gym to be faced with a cardboard cut-out of their (larger) selves from week one. 
Oh how they wept, screamed, kicked and pummelled those cut outs. How they said they hated ‘that person’ ‘that huge monster’ ‘that waste of space’.

What did Jillian say? She was furious with them! How DARE they speak to this person in that way! It was that person, that fatter and unfit person at their lowest point who found the motivation and courage deep inside to pick themselves up and move forward. To reach so deep, past all the emotion and fear of starting to get fit and lose weight. THAT person was in fact their HERO, the strongest they have ever been at potentially their lowest point.

So, when you think about what you have achieved, even if it is just putting on your running shoes for the first time this year- or cooking your first meal from scratch, think about how STRONG you are. You are GETTING FITTER you ARE getting HEALTHIER.

Thank you Jillian.

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